

Your anytime, anywhere doctor’s office

Now visiting the doctor is easier than ever. Avoid waiting rooms and the inconvenience of going to the doctor’s office. Visit a doctor by phone, secure video, or MDLIVE App. Pediatricians are available 24/7, and family members are also eligible.

  • U.S. board-certified doctors and licensed counselors with an average of 15 years of experience.
  • Consultations are convenient, private and secure.
  • Prescriptions can be sent to your nearest pharmacy, if medically necessary

Copyright © 2020 MDLIVE Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDLIVE may not be available in certain states and is subject to state regulations. MDLIVE does not replace the primary care physician, is not an insurance product and may not be able to substitute for traditional in person care in every case or for every condition. MDLIVE does not prescribe DEA controlled substances and may not prescribe non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. MDLIVE does not guarantee patients will receive a prescription. Healthcare professionals using the platform have the right to deny care if based on professional judgment a case is inappropriate for telehealth or for misuse of services. MDLIVE and the MDLIVE logo are registered trademarks of MDLIVE, Inc. and may not be used without written permission. For complete terms of use visit https://www.MDLIVE.com/terms-of-use/.


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From time to time the Association’s board evaluates service and discount proposals from various companies. Services and discounts may be enhanced or reduced based on the board’s evaluation. Structure and dues are subject to change based upon the membership size and changes in the services and discounts

The Association continually looks for privileges that maximize your consumer dollars and improve the well being of your business and household. Although the Association investigates each of the service providers, it cannot warrant or guarantee their performance. If you have any comments about the providers or their services, please call the Association Membership Services Office toll free number 1-800-992-8044.