

How to Thrive During COVID Surges

Being agile and creative can help your business thrive during COVID-19 surges.

Running a business during COVID-19 is challenging. Learning to adapt and pivot is essential to your success and the future of your business.

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Is it flu, COVID, allergies or a cold?

If you start feeling sick, you may be quick to think you may have COVID-19, but the flu, allergies and colds haven’t gone away.

While COVID-19, the flu and the common cold are all caused by viruses, there are some differences in the symptoms of each.

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AIBC Member Benefits

Now visiting the doctor is easier than ever before. Avoid the waiting room and inconvenience of going to the doctor’s office. Visit a doctor by phone, secure video or MDLIVE App. Doctors are available 24/7 and family members are also eligible.

  • Pay $0 Out of Pocket for Medical consultations.

  • 3 FREE Talk Therapy consultations per person, per calendar year and then $90 per hour.

  • Dermatology consultations are $59 per video consult.

Activate Now!

Log into aibcoalition.info for more information!

Download the FREE Clever RX App. From your app store search “Clever RX” and hit download. 

This will unlock exclusive savings for you and your family! Find where you can save on your medication. Using your zip code, when you search for your medication, Clever RX checks which pharmacies near you offer the lowest price. Savings can be up to 80% compared to what you are currently paying.

Log into aibcoalition.infofor more information!

Try our new,
easy electronic scholarship application process!

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AIBC believes strongly in cultivating a culture of cooperation with the community. To that end, the Executive Board of AIBC continues to seek out good people that work to make a difference to the lives of those in need. We are proud to sponsor numerous organizations and we applaud them for their tireless dedication. Here is just one example below: